Exit/Transition Planning & Value Growth Advisory Services

The professionals at Paradigm have extensive experience assisting business owners throughout the transition process. Business owners often spend time developing and growing their business but commonly neglect to consider their existing personal and financial needs. We believe that an all-encompassing approach is necessary in order to ensure that the current and future goals of the owners are achieved. This approach focuses on two key elements: maximizing business value and the personal and financial planning of the owner. These advisory services will result in a clear and concise plan that afford the business owner peace of mind knowing that there is a measurable road map to reach their goals.

Potential Services for Exit/Transition Planning & Value Growth Advisory Services:
-Business Valuations (Mergers & Acquisitions, Gifting/Estate, Bank Financing)
-Transition Planning (Buyer Options, Deal Structure Considerations, Feasibility Studies, Succession Plans, Wealth Management Needs)
-Tax Planning (Deal Structure, Tax Implications, Gifting Options, Estate Planning)